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El Mercachifle
3 pax
22 mtrs²

He was a character who emerged in Patagonia at the end of the 19th century to supply all types of merchandise to the workers of the Estancias, who lived very isolated by the immensity of the Magellanic territory.

The merchant was a merchant, who, with his freight horses or cart, traveled for months across Patagonia to sell and exchange items that he acquired from the ships that arrived at the Strait, from local trade and from barter. This character began to disappear with the development of shops and connectivity; today we no longer find him touring the pampas.

Private Bathroom
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20 mtrs²
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El Herrero
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El Alambrador
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25 mtrs²
El Carrero
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El Galpón de Esquila
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15 mtrs²
El Despacho
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3 pax
20 mtrs²
La Pesebrera
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4 pax
20 mtrs²
El Cazador
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3 pax
15 mtrs²
El Soguero
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3 pax
20 mtrs²
El Taller
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3 pax
20 mtrs²
El Ovejero
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3 pax
25 mtrs²
La Quinta
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4 pax
20 mtrs²
El Lechero
Delighting in an exquisite country cheese, toast with cream and jam, accompanied by a...
3 pax
22 mtrs²
El Carpintero
The carpenter was and is a very recognized profession in Patagonia. Using noble woods...